Importance of H1tag in your website!

Importance of <H1> tag in your website!

Plus91 media

Is that really important to have an H1 tag?

Yes, every page must contain h1 tag, a unique tag which has our keyword in it will be nice to our website. Latest statistics say 80% of people getting interested in the news by just reading the heading, the title of the topic attract the more audience into the news.  H1 tag is like heading for a newspaper. Its unique & keyword words can attract the readers and as well as search engine bots.

How it should look like?

<h1> tag is important for a website, which is response fore help search engine bot to understand the content available in that specific website. It has some procedure to use <h1> tag.

·         Each Page’s: Each and every page’s in the website must contain their own h1 tag, which is easy to understand that page content by search engine bots.

·         Unique: Each H1 tag should in unique words, of-course each page had their own different topic.

·         Keyword: Each title tags must contain the keyword used in that website, which will help your page into a search engine.


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