Why Pinterest is important for business?

What is Pinterest?

     Pinterest is a dynamic social media platform for sharing favourite images, videos, fun media, etc. It can be termed as a visual bookmarking tool.

     Using Pinterest, you can connect with other like-minded people by sharing your hobbies and interest through online bulletin boards.

     Pinterest has become interesting for any social marketing strategy. The user may be different, but all companies can find a valid reason to be on Pinterest.

Interesting Facts:

  • Pinterest is the fourth largest social networking website.
  • Pinterest has over 100million monthly users.
  • 85% of the people that use Pinterest is female.
  • Age wise, 67% of pinners are under the age of 40 and 54% the pinners are women aged 34-55.
  • Two-thirds of the content saved on Pinterest comes from businesses.
Why Pinterest is important for business - Plus91 Media

How to use Pinterest Marketing for your business?

    If you feel that you don't have the time for social media platform, don't have an idea for even try it, you can close this, but if you take your business seriously, and thus your social media, keep on reading.

   Pinterest can be used as a social networking tool to promote your business. It is meant to be a little informal compared to others available forms of marketing. Pinterest allows businesses to create pages aimed at promoting their companies online.

On your Pinterest Page:

     Pinterest marketing, like Pinterest itself, evolves around pins and pin boards, where pin boards are simply collections of pins and pins are (collected) photos or videos.

Pin Boards:

     After creating an account with a great description for your business, you need to create a board. You have created the right boards. That board needs to have a decent, creative title and great description. As it is an image based platform, be sure to focus on activities in your boars, not on your product.

  • If your product is speakers, show people enjoying music,
  • If your product is paint, show things that have been painted, not the cans,
  • If your product is consultancy.. well... eh.

      If you are able to figure out the interest of your target audience, of your potential customers, you can get to them via these subjects as well, of course. Pinterest is about personal interests too. And as with most social media, if you make it personal, most followers will appreciate that.


     The pins that are repinned the most, all have great descriptions. Sometimes a pin only has the title or photographer mention in the description but why no utilize that contain for a smashing description of your product, including a link to the product on your website? If you don't have the Pinterest picture or other appealing images of your product, you can create great boards by repinning what others pinned. Find this images on the right boards from others for your business.

     If you have a decent amount of pins, you can start analyzing this Pinterest analytics tell us where your visitor comes from and find out 'what your audience is into'.

On your website:

    Pinterest marketing isn’t just something you do on the Pinterest website alone, but it could also be integrated into your website. It’s quite easy to add widgets to your site. Or Pin It buttons. Note that for your own pinning, these browser buttons might come in handy.

    Perhaps even more important: use great images. Make sure your images are ‘pin-worthy’. That’s just another reason to get rid or adjust of these obvious stock photos you are using by nicely looking ‘brochures’ for your web page.

    Promote your Pinterest page. Add it to the list of buttons linking Facebook and Twitter. Mention it in a blog post. If Pinterest is bringing traffic to your website, why not return the favour, right?


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